N.Mirchi, a accounting software that is specifically crafted to meet the unique needs of businesses engaged in the spices market. This robust tool has wide range of features such as inventory management, sales tracking, purchase order management and comprehensive financial reporting. Additionally, it offers efficient tools for customer data management and invoice generation, further enhancing business operations within the spices market

Key Features

Master Data Setup

With this feature, businesses can easily configure and set up the master data within the software. It enables the addition of crucial data elements such as company or group details, item details, state information, and a comprehensive list of ledger accounts.

Data Entry

This software functionality allows users to seamlessly input data related to cash receipts, cash payments, bank payments, sale bills, sale pattis and gate pass entries. This information plays a vital role in tracking customer orders and maintaining optimum levels of inventory across different type of spices.

Sales Bill & Sales Patti

Sales Bill serves as a record of the sale transaction between the spices business owners and the buyers, detailing the items purchased, quantities, prices, and any applicable taxes or discounts. Furthermore, Sales Patti can also be generated with additional details like sales commission, transport and labour charges.

Asami Register

In a single view, businesses have the capability to access a comprehensive overview of all the sales made either categorized by each customer or by each Sales Patti. This consolidated view includes essential details such as sales patti number, farmer name, item name, quantity sold, weight, value, commission and labor charges

Weighing Charges Register

A dedicated feature to record and track weighing charges incurred during various transactions. This register provides an organized and systematic view of weighing charges associated with different sales or purchases within the spices market.

Financial Reporting

This feature allows users to easily monitor and access various financial reports including cash book, bank passbook, day-wise reports for both commission agents & buying agencies, account summaries, profit & loss statements and balance sheets


Effective Inventory Management

Provides accurate and real-time inventory management, ensuring that the spices traders can keep track of their raw materials, work in progress and finished products while always having the right amount of inventory on hand

Simplified Invoicing Process

Simplifies the creation and management of invoices, allowing spices businesses to generate invoices quickly and accurately. This process helps in ensuring timely billing, reducing errors and improving overall operational efficiency for the businesses

Business Insights

Helps traders in accurately tracking sales data and costs associated with raw materials, labor, and other expenses. This valuable data can be utilized to generate powerful insights on profitability and facilitate informed decision-making

Accurate Financial Health Tracking

The software can also generate financial reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, account receivables and cash flow statements providing traders with a clear understanding of their financial health

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